Mate60 and iPhone 15: A comparison of looks, systems and ecology
This September, the release of the Mate60 series and the iPhone 15 series became the talk of the cell phone market. While they are both known to be far ahead of the pack, are these two phones really that different? As a dual-holder user, I have some brief thoughts on them.
In terms of looks, both the Mate60 Pro and the iPhone 15 Pro have a "changed, but it doesn't feel like it's changed" design. the Mate60 Pro carries over the Star Ring design, but with a few structural changes to the body, featuring an ultra-tough Genbu body. However, the width of the body does seem a bit too wide and not too friendly for my thumbs. The iPhone 15 Pro, on the other hand, has a new titanium alloy center frame, and the weight has been reduced somewhat for a better feel in the hand. However, it is less resistant to oil and dirt and is easily contaminated by oil on your hands. Both phones have new designs and materials, but they still continue the style of the past.
On a system level, Honolulu and iOS are more similar than most people think. In the two weeks I've been using them, they both offer excellent fluidity. Whether you tap or swipe, you get a quick response. Additionally, the Mate60 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro have improved in terms of background retention thanks to the increased RAM capacity. However, Huawei's Live Window feature leaves something to be desired in terms of adapting apps.
Let's talk about ecology. Both Huawei and Apple are trying to create a family bucket ecosystem, but they have different paths to get there. Apple focuses more on the functional aspect of the flow, while Huawei focuses more on the liberation of hardware. Huawei's tablet can share the communication ability of the phone, the camera can be shared between devices when taking pictures, and even the flow of apps between different devices is more specific.
The definition of a good phone is not fuzzy - it needs to have an iconic design and feel, smooth and easy daily use, and a seamless and synergistic ecosystem. the Mate60 Pro and the iPhone 15 Pro fulfill the needs of their users with the same goal, through unique design and features. This is exactly why we are interested in electronics.
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