LG G692 parameters and phone configuration introduction
Basic parameters | |
Launch date | September 2005 |
contour | |
lengths | 89.7mm |
height | 45.5mm |
thicknesses | 23mm |
weights | 90g |
screen (TV, computer or movie) | |
screen size | Main: 1.8 inches Sub: 1.0 inch |
resolution (of a photo) | Main: 128 x 160 pixels Sub: 96 x 64px |
pixel density | 71ppi |
screen color | 96×64,65536 colors |
Other screen parameters | 96 x 64, 65536 colors, color screen; |
surveillance camera | |
pixels | 1.3 megapixels |
Networking and Connectivity | |
Network type | 3G> |
3G network | GSM |
network band | GSM 900/1800/1900 |
Connect and Share | bluetooth |
Cell Phone Accessories | |
Packing List | Two standard lithium batteries (1000mAh), one travel charger, hand strap, one headset |
Warranty Information | |
Warranty Time | 1 year warranty on licensed goods |
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